
Sunday Stealing

Today's meme is ripped off Lady Nina

1. My uncle once : imitated a dog's barking and my cousin thought somewhere in the house is a dog.

2. Never in my life : I tried sushi

3. When I was seventeen : I went out with a really crazy guy.

4. High School was : not for me, coz in Germany we don't have it ;-)
(Right after primary school I went to what we call "Gymnasium" - it's kind of an academic high school)

5. I will never forget : my mommy

6. I once met : an german singer (who has died already)

7. There’s this girl I know who : blames me for something bad happened, wich is her very one fault and I couldn't do anything against it although i really tried and she won't believe me...

8. Once, at a bar : me, my hunny, cocktails... (I don't have to say more I guess...)

9. By noon, I’m usually : taking a break from work

10. Last night : I cared and worried bout hunny, coz he suffered (still does a bit) of gastric-flu

11. If only I had : the power to cure him ;-)

12. Next time I go to gym/church : I will pray, sing and do everything I do usually at church.

13. Susan Boyle : has a great voice

14. What worries me most : will hunny feel better tomorrow morning?

15. When I turn my head left, I see : hunny ;-)

16. When I turn my head right, I see : the wall ;-)

17. You know I’m lying when : I tell you I don't love my hunny

18. What I miss most about the eighties : good music

19. If I was a character in Shakespeare, I’d be : juliet's nanny

20. By this time next year : my niece just turned 5 ;-)

21. A better name for me would be : Scatty (I am soosoo scatty!)

22. I have a hard time understanding : men *g*

23. If I ever go back to school, I’ll : enjoy it.

24. You know I like you if : i give ya a hug out of the blue.

25. If I ever won an award, the first person I’d thank would be : my mommy (for guiding me from heaven)

26. When I compare 80’s rock to 90’s rock : 80's rock rocks ;-)

27. Take my advice, never : mix mentos and coke!

28. My ideal breakfast is : not to early at day!

29. A song I love, but do not own is : "upside down"

30. If you visit my hometown, I suggest : to visit the "Brückstraße". World best's chips, baguettes, and lots of other delicious (and not expensive) food.

31. My favorite Beatle is : all of them. I like them most all together.

32. Why won’t people : give more lovin'?

33. If you spend the night at my house : you'll never forget it.

34. I’d stop my wedding for : nearly nothing.

35. The world could do without : war.

36. I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than : ?? (I'll tell you in THAT situation)

37. My favorite blonde is : my niece

38: Paper clips are more useful than : hairpins

39. If I do anything well, it’s : crafting and cooking

40. And by the way : have a nice week everyone!

&hearts Sonny &hearts

5 shared thoughts:

Anonymous said...

you actually tried mixing menthos and coke?


kalea_kane said...

I once loved sushi, but then I had it and it totally gave me food poisoning. I mean horrifying! It is like one of those I drank too much experiences that I don't care to repeat. :)

Have a great day!


re #2 - me neither!

Coco said...

*hugs* Good to find you again, hon. I stole this meme. Hey, it's Sunday and it seemed the thing to do. I won't post it till next week though.

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